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6 Tips to keep boredom at bay during a lockdown.

Feeling bored during this time?

Here are some fun and productive ways to pass time.

1. karaoke.

There is nothing wrong with singing into a hairbrush when you are alone. Crank up the volume to your favorite song and get dancing, bust out some moves practice never hurt anybody.

2. Declutter your home.

I found myself starting to purge everything from my wardrobe. If an item has not been worn within the last 12 months say goodbye old friend. It allows you to create a less chaotic environment and the second source of income for the month by selling what you no longer need. Donations are always a better option but if you strapped for cash put a price tag on it.

The second area to declutter is the kitchen. I found myself buying things I already had just because of not being prepared when going grocery shopping. I never really made lists, so when I saw something in the shop that I thought I needed I wasted money by buying it anyway. Always make a list before grocery shopping it can save you a lot of money!

3. Reading.

Google has free books for you to download, it has a wide variety of categories for you to choose from. Click on the link to take you to the page directly. follow If you can't go out to meet people why not meet people in a book.

4. Start a hobby.

I knit and find it therapeutic even though I find myself a little embarrassed to admit it. Who would have thought a 27-year-old would be interested in that?

5. Learn a Language.

You can find free apps or websites that can teach you from the comfort of your home. I live in Vietnam, so I am starting to pick up on the Vietnamese language, slowly but surely through my interactions with the kids at school and daily life in general. Upskilling yourself can be rewarding, I highly recommend it.

6. Exercise.

I must admit this has to be one of the things I would prefer not to do, but I found some good 30-minute full-body workout videos on YouTube, I will share the link and hopefully, you'll enjoy it. Taking walks or jogs is also a good way to get the blood pumping.

Please share in the comments below how you keep busy during this time, I would love to hear your suggestions. Stay safe and love yourself.


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