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What steals your joy?

Author Kim Rockman

Life is unpredictable and how we handle situations determines a positive or negative outcome. Each day we lose our joy by what we say or by the circumstances we face daily.

As a Christian, I found my source of joy through the gospel. "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him" Romans 15:13. I am promised peace and joy through the Lord and, each day I, allow situations or things to take that away from me unknowingly.

Let's take a closer look at what we are allowing to steal our joy.

1. Worrying.

Constant overthinking and worrying about situations can cause mental and emotional exhaustion. Take each day as it comes and focus on things you can control this will reduce or help manage your anxiety and stress.

2. Grudges.

Letting go of hurt or pain from someone by forgiving them helps you move on and become a happier person. It's not healthy to weigh yourself down over things that happened in the past.

3. Comparing yourself to others.

I am without a doubt guilty of this and, I found it hard to stop comparing myself to everyone. Through society and people, we create competition. We want to be at a certain point in our life and, life doesn't always follow our plan. I encourage each of you to focus on your own goals and work towards them. You will see the results of your hard work, and it will come to you at the right time.

4. Stop surrounding yourself with the wrong kind of people.

Not every relationship or friendship is meant to be. Stop forcing people into your life. If you are unhappy when you spend time with them, then it's time to say goodbye. Break yourself free and reclaim your happiness!

I am sure that there are some other areas in your life that you need to reevaluate. Think about the following: social media, your job, daily frustrations- always being late, etc. Take time and write each one down with solutions. Keep the list close to you and keep adding to it as situations occur.

Finding inner joy and peace by taking a break for yourself will keep you feeling energized and happier. Self-love is essential!

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