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Author Kim Rockman

The process of entering the big world can be intimidating.

Growing up, I always thought once I hit a certain age, I will feel and act differently, like a switch being turned on that transforms you overnight. But in fact, I’m feeling the same way with added responsibility.

My first “real” job was at a large company, and I learned a lot about conduct. Surprisingly, there are people with kids acting like children. It is shocking! I thought all adults have some level of emotional intelligence or control over their words but, that is not true. You can see someone’s true colours when they in a negative situation or under stress. How they treat people in those instances shows who they really are.

Money was a new concept for me. When I started earning an income, I did not save money. As time went by, I created a budget because, with money, there is accountability. Thinking about what I wanted for my life and what I needed for the future made me start saving towards those goals and, I think that’s when responsibility kicked in. Having the realization that long-term gain is better than short-lived fun changed my life for the better.

My health was never my priority but, as I got older, I started gaining weight and getting health problems like high blood pressure due to stress from work and not living a balanced life. That was a big scare for me! I had to make a conscious decision to watch what I eat and to exercise and manage my stress. Once I started taking my health seriously, my blood pressure normalized, and it hasn’t gone up ever since. Working out helped me relax and got my blood circulating.

Dealing with my emotions. Expressing disappointment or being in an uncomfortable situation taught me that listening and not reacting to my feelings but listening fully to what the person is saying helps to comprehend the situation. Thinking before speaking gives you time to form a rational response and keeps you calm and levelheaded. What we say and how we say things are important! Your tone delivers the message so, if you sound like you are on the defense or the attack people, generally shut down and stop listening. Sharpening your listening skill takes practice and would help you handle situations in a calmer manner.

Having each aspect of your life separate creates balance. Setting boundaries will allow people to respect you more and, it stops gossip from happening. Have clear rules on what you want in your life. People cannot read your mind and, verbalizing what you allow and do not allow gives you control over your own life.

It’s okay to be alone as you get older. Losing friends is normal because you will form new relationships along the way. Being an adult means being able to be alone with your thoughts and process feelings. It is your time to recharge and enjoy the comfort of your home. Ground yourself with values so that you can form healthy relationships and treat people with dignity and respect. The people you meet now might be the same people you need in the future. Do not burn bridges!

Planning and organizing are things I find valuable. I waste less time figuring out what I need to do because I list everything down.

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