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Break the poor mindset and the generational poverty curse!

Author Kim Rockman

You can overcome generational poverty when you change your mindset. Unlearn all the things that you were taught at home from your middle-class to low-income parents. Unfortunately, they did not teach you or show you how to work with money because they don't know themselves and, that is the harsh reality of it. Find a person who not only can teach you but who lives by their teaching.

I will be sharing how I changed my life and circumstances from living paycheck to paycheck to being financially free. I am not where I want to be but, I am reaching goals I never thought I could have.

For change to happen, I needed to take risks and change my way of thinking. But when you are financially unstable, you often play it safe. What was hard for me was changing my mindset because I was speaking and thinking like a poor person. I needed to remove the words from my vocabulary: "I can't" and "I don't have" because that made me believe that I couldn't achieve a successful and financially free life. I had to consciously remind myself that the past ways were not helpful but toxic so, whatever urge or bad habit I had I, would automatically give in to it. I had the realization that I needed to stop myself when those habits or urges came along. My self-destructive money drains were shopping, eating out, spending unnecessary money using up savings, or not sticking to my budget. Once you figure out what your money drains are it, will become easier to save!

Time is valuable. In the past, I would waste my time with friends partying and, there is nothing wrong with being out with friends but, you need a balance it out. Spending time learning something or upskilling yourself can benefit you in the future. Those skills can turn into a second or third stream of income. Give time to yourself and think of ways that you can help yourself. Change your mind from waiting to receive a handout to how you can help someone else. You have to put in the time to harvest the reward. Opportunities will not come to you! It is up to you to find it.

I never had debt and, the reason is simple. Don't buy things if you can't afford them. Steer away from the latest fashions or have the newest phone. Those things are short-term gains and, they don't add value to your life. Don't get a credit card if you can't pay your bills or if you don't have any savings. Credit cards are for people who have money! Stay away from it and if you have a credit card, pay it off and cancel it because the aim is to have money of your own, not spend the bank's money.

Create emergency-saving pockets for yourself. Life is unpredictable and, so you want to be prepared for those unforeseen situations. Start small by putting away money for medical emergencies if you don't have medical aid, future studies or, retirement.

Be hungry for change because you can have financial freedom if you change the way you think! I hope this helps you evolve from your current circumstances.

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