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Deep clean with me!

As each day passes by during lockdown, I find myself restless and bored with the urge to spring-clean only to realize that it kept my stress and anxiety levels low as I focused on tasks that were much needed and gave me a sense of peace and calm.

This is how I tackled areas in my apartment that required serious attention.

Making lists helped me to have a plan and to know what to clean.

I walked around my apartment and became fully aware that I did not sanitize everyday items and areas that I touch daily.

Things to disinfect:

  • Doors and handles

  • Walls

  • Keys

  • Light switches

  • Remote controllers

  • Shoes

  • Bins

Areas to focus on.

  • Windows

  • Skirting boards

  • Fridge

  • Laundry

  • Changing bed line

I found keeping everything in one bucket helped to save time and effort when moving into other areas. Coordinating each cleaning cloth by colour minimizes cross-contamination and eliminates confusion.

Cleaning from top to bottom really changed the way I cleaned because I did not have to reclean surfaces by going back to vacuum the dust off the floor.

My biggest challenge is clean laundry piling up. I am guilty of being lazy to fold and pack away after it had dried! I made a conscious decision to fold as I take off. Hopefully, this method will last.

I sorted through expired and old food items in the fridge and wiped off all my sauce bottles and jars. Moving on to the draws and doors, wiping it with warm soapy water, and making sure that I dried the fridge before placing all my food items back into it.

Once I finished, I lit some candles and made myself a cup of tea, and enjoyed my nice and clean home.

If you have anything to add, please comment below and share.

Stay safe during this time!


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