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Happy and content with change as a single woman in a foreign country! - Covid 19 addition.

Surprisingly, this time last year my life was completely different as I was in a relationship with someone willing to travel the world with me, somehow things took a detour!

Now I find myself in a foreign country slightly ashamed to call myself "single" as it seems to bring me a feeling of embarrassment that luckily did not last exceptionally long. Once I realized the freedom I had I started to embrace my new title as a single woman and stopped measuring my self-worth to a man. I have never been so happy and thankful knowing I have no pressure to go on dates because of lockdown and Covid. I found myself enjoying my own company and discovered starting a routine that not only reminded me of who I use to be but also who I would like to become.

This lockdown has shown me not only to enjoy my own company but to also be thankful for the life I live.

Here are some tips to help you during a pandemic!

1. Treat yourself with care and love! have pampering sessions at least once a week, try facials or soaking your feet in a warm bubble bath.

2. Stay connected with family and friends. this is important as it keeps your mind off your problems and drama!

3. Lastly, enjoy your time at home as it is temporary. So, get started on binge-watching series on Netflix

Stay safe and be good to yourself!


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