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How do you know when you are ready to start dating again?

Author Kim Rockman

I keep staring at this question not because I am eager to put myself out there but the dreaded process of starting all over again. The first awkward meet and dates lead to small talk and pretentious behavior, wondering if you will get a second date, realizing you on a date with a creep that somehow turns out to be a stalker. Those are all my irrational fears in a nutshell! Am I crazy or, am I just not ready? Whatever the outcome may be, I still find it daunting.

It has been a journey but, I started enjoying the freedom that comes along with being single. The whole concept of dating again is something I can not wrap my head around because I think my current life situation is very much comfortable and that I am not prepared to give it up yet or my comfort for that matter. Not caring about another person is a bonus for me which sounds terrible, but, in all honesty, it is nice to not have to care for someone and to be selfish for once. I am not ready to share my newfound life of freedom with anybody else cause I enjoy myself and the peace.

I focus on my career and other areas of my life that I previously neglected because of being preoccupied with having a relationship. Having all this time for myself has changed my thinking process and awakened new interests that I never knew I enjoyed simply because I never had time to try anything new.

The idea of people in a social setting freaks me out because I am not a person who can put myself out there. I rarely ever go to a bar or club here, so finding someone new walking in a grocery store or at the gym would be the ideal place to meet someone, which sounds sad and pathetic but, I am being brutally honest here. The events of my life are currently not very entertaining, thanks to Covid and the lockdown.

With all that being said! I realized that the transition to dating is a scary thought! I do not want to go down that path. So, for those of you expecting me to introduce you to someone new. Sorry for you but, that my friend is potentially never happening any time soon. For now, I will embrace my independence and the luxury to be carefree and not worry about anybody but myself.

Please don't forget to leave a comment below. I would love for you to share your story with me!


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