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Lessons learned while living alone in my twenties.

Author Kim Rockman

I was searching for a better quality of life and independence. I decided to move to Vietnam because living costs are low, and the quality of life is far better than what I would have experienced in South Africa if I lived on my own.

I am currently renting a two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment. I am all alone in this apartment and, I am in love with my space and freedom!

Here is a list of things I learned so far on my own.

  1. Having a designated file just for the apartment will help keep your important documents organized.

  2. Creating a cleaning routine allows you to feel less overwhelmed.

  3. Watching scary movies before bed is a no-go when you sleep alone. You are guaranteed a restless night.

  4. You learn to enjoy your own company.

  5. Smaller portions when cooking helps you reduce waste and, you have variety each night for dinner.

  6. You rely on yourself more.

  7. Background noise helps you feel less lonely.

  8. Keep doors locked and make it a habit.

  9. Stick to a budget.

  10. Make the apartment as homey as possible by decorating it to your style.

Please don't forget to leave a comment below. I would love for you to share your story with me!


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