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Overcoming the unavoidable lonely feeling that comes with being single.

Author Kim Rockman

It is hard not to feel left out when everyone else is paired up, especially when living 10,356 km away from family and friends, then the loneliness feels amplified.

I am single, and I live alone! Sadly the pandemic turned me into a hermit. My only source of human interaction is grocery shopping and online teaching. The feeling I miss most is, being with my family when the house was always filled with people chatting or my nieces and nephews playing in the background can magnify feeling homesick when all I am left with is my thoughts.

The pandemic presented a new reality where an opportunity to travel and experience different countries sadly came to a complete stop as borders close and left me staying in Vietnam longer than expected. Through the changes, there has been a lot of blessings and experiences I would have never dreamt of having. I am so grateful for the life I live as more and more people are experiencing job loss or having to say goodbye to their loved ones who sadly had passed on due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

I should not be focusing on the bad and negative but rather on things that I can control and what is currently good in my life. I wake up each morning and read motivational scripture quotes to get my mindset on the right path. I can control how I feel! and shake off the negative feeling that comes along, with change, rather than being in a new dysfunctional relationship. Being content with my own company must be the best realization I have gotten in a while than to burden myself with someone new to fill a void of loneliness.

Being single is freedom and, It is empowering! Now I put my attention to things I want without compromise. Living my life true to myself with dignity. This new journey I’m embarking on is an adventure and, I’m trying to figure it out day by day but, whatever life throws at me, I’m ready for it!

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