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Rejection is one of those negative experiences that keep life interesting.

Author Kim Rockman

Rejection is part of life and, handling those experiences can be different for everyone. No one is immune to rejection.

Recently I came out of a long-term relationship and, even though the relationship ended mutually, a sense of rejection was lingering over me. I needed to change that feeling so that I could move on and feel free from guilt. Finding myself on a deeper level radically transformed my life.

Here are ways I handled rejection.

1. Grieving.

This is the hardest part, but I found it to be crucial. Allowing myself time to release the pain help create an opportunity to move forward and find closure in why I felt rejected. If I did not take time to grieve, I would have been in the same devastating state of mind.

2. Do what makes you happy.

Finding joy through spending time with family or friends can bring a positive perspective to your life. Having hobbies or doing things I enjoyed helped me focus on how good they made me feel. Taking stock of my strengths helped me realize the future, potential opportunities I can try, and it gave me a sense of confidence. Making a list by jotting all your strengths down helps put perspective to things.

3. Writing.

Writing my feelings down gave me clarity as to why I felt the way I did. This method helped me vent out my feelings, thoughts to embrace each experience by learning from it.

4. Don’t get distracted and, keep going.

Staying focused on opportunities you find in this time. It gives you clarity as to what you want and, it will help you decide if it brings you joy. Spending time with myself also gave me time to become who I want to be.

5. Set goals.

When I felt lost and without direction, I found it was imperative to set goals that will give me a sense of self-awareness. Try envisioning what you want for yourself within the next 6 months to a year as a start.

6. Negative people.

I Avoided negative people in my life by distancing myself mentally and emotionally. This means that when they are around, you block what they say to you mentally.

7. Priorities.

Scheduling my priorities and making sure I focused on them created a routine that will help me in the future.

Don’t deprive yourself of joy! You have one life so, make it worthwhile.

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