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Author Kim Rockman

Here are some lessons I learned the hard way that helped me in my life.

I struggled in the past to say no to people or friends that were asking me to do things that went against what I wanted or that I felt uncomfortable doing. Being a people pleaser, I fell victim to the obligation to always say yes and disregarded my own plans or goals which, made me bitter and regretful. In my mind, I thought that If I said no, their life would fall apart, but, in actual fact, I am not that important to them in the first place, and when people ask you to do something that you are not willing to do you, can say no and, they need to respect and understand that you have a choice. Only you can decide whether or not it is in line with what you want. I am not saying be selfish and never help anybody but, sometimes you need to put your priorities first and think about what impact it will have on your life and plans or things you were to do.

Saying no to toxic people who are constantly negative around you. Their negativity spreads like a virus and, you become exactly like them and worse drained because you are now burdened with their issues and hang-ups of life. Make it a priority to surround yourself with people who are positive and are uplifting. I want you to think about the people you surround yourself with. If you walk away from a conversation feeling heavy or drained, then that is a toxic person who sucks the life out of you and finds joy in misery.

Comparing myself to others is an unfulfilling desire that you will never meet. Do what you enjoy by finding your own passion. You will see that you will create a life that is fulfilling and enjoyable.

Saying no to resisting opportunities and wasting time! Time is precious and, you will never get that time back once it is gone. Make a conscious decision to stop wasting time! Set your foundation and nurture what you want for yourself and go for those opportunities that seem scary but worthwhile. Be disciplined because if you are not prepared to be disciplined to yourself, everything else within your life will be incomplete or unfulfilled.

Protect your boundaries, think about your choices and decisions, and let emotions subside before you decide. Do they make your life better, or does it only benefit the other person?

People often do not care about things that will impact your life negatively. It is up to you to form those conclusions on your own, so you need to create rules and structure so that you don’t fall for anything but stand for something bigger, which is how your choices will be affected in your future than a short-term burst of joy that ends up in destruction.

Remember to be grateful for the things that happened in your life. I usually write them down, so I can remember them because I found relying on my memory only has failed me dismally. Looking back on the achievements you have accomplished helps you remain motivated and grateful for the opportunities of the past. Take a moment to humble yourself and remember where you come from and where you want to be.

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