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Small ways I find joy each day!

Being stuck at home during a lockdown does not have to be so devastating.

Here is my list of ways I find bursts of happiness and hope you can be inspired to take a moment and enjoy life even when it gets tough.

1. Buy some followers.

Looking at them and enjoying their beauty can uplift your home environment and change your mood. Treat yourself and notice how special it will make you feel.

2. Watch the sunset.

I take this moment to reflect on the day and to enjoy the evening creeping in. I find it to be a peaceful and calming time of the day.

3. Enjoy your favorite snack or dessert.

Savor the moment as you enjoy every bite, do not swallow it in with one big gulp. Eat slower so that you can remember how good it was!

4. Play music out loud.

This is an activity I enjoy doing alone. You can be silly within the comfort of your home. Let loose and turn it up!

5. Enjoy nature.

Taking walks within your area can really boost your mood as it is a change of scenery and can allow you to enjoy nature. A 15-to-25-minute walk is all you need.

6. Cherish people in your life.

Give them a call and catch up. It is always pleasant to hear the stories of your loved ones.

7. Light candles.

I love lighting candles! It brings me a sense of calmness and creates a relaxed setting, and it fills the air with a refreshing smell. So divine!

8. Celebrate accomplishments.

Giving yourself a pat on the back for a job well done always gets me excited for the next task. Acknowledge what you have achieved, big or small.

Whatever you do, let us together enjoy our lives and spread happiness no matter what the circumstances.

Please share in the comments below how you find joy during this time. I would love to hear your suggestions. Stay safe and love yourself!


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