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Ways to manage stress.

Author Kim Rockman

We all face challenges and, how we handle them can impact our bodies and mental health.

When I am feeling stressed, I toss and turn at night, unable to sleep. It affects my productivity and my focus.

Are you experiencing the following:

  • Difficulty sleeping?

  • Lack energy?

  • Anxious or highly-strung?

  • Moody or emotional?

If you said yes to any of the questions above, then you need to keep reading.

How I manage my stress is by managing my expectations and risk. I know that life is unpredictable. Often we are in situations that we can't control, But how we handle those situations can allow us to remain calm and in control.

I find myself feeling anxious after watching the news because of all the negative things that are happening all around the world. Avoiding unpleasant or stressful reading like that before bed can help you sleep better at night. Make a rule to take breaks from social media or the news.

Our body takes the strain and, our muscles become stiff. Doing stretches before bed can help your body relax. Try to do exercises to get the blood pumping it, will get your mind off your stress and keep you fit.

When I feel overwhelmed, doing breathing exercises always calms me down. I start by sitting upright and, taking slow deep breaths through my nose, exhaling out my mouth. I do this about ten times until I feel calm.

Reduce your caffeine intake before bed and drink non-caffeinated herbal teas to help you fall asleep. My favorite drink before bed is Chamomile tea or Lemon tea! It calms me down and, I fall asleep instantly.

Take time to unwind because you deserve a break! Have a pick-nick or talk to family or friends but do something for yourself. It is good for your mental health.

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