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You are worth it!

Author Kim Rockman

Everyone faces trouble in life because life is a series of events, and change is inevitable. Whatever season you are in now, love your life and, more importantly, love yourself! Thank God you are not where you use to be, but be excited about how far you have come.

You must make time to feel good about yourself and to stop feeling guilty for it. Selfcare is not only for you but for the people around you who care about you. A fully recharged person can handle life challenges better than someone who is overworked and tired. You will be able to think clearly and rationally about situations when challenges arise. Avoid putting your needs last, and stop comparing yourself to others and focus on your own journey because everyone is different.

Worrying about opinions! You will never make everyone happy realize that I guarantee you will feel lighter and less focused on unrealistic expectations that society has created people to follow, which is impossible to meet. If someone has a negative opinion about your life, please ask them to show you all the bills they paid for you and all the life choices they helped you with when you needed support. People are quick to judge, so nip that in the bud before they think they have a right to add comments to matters they have no clue about! Their opinions do not matter.

Take every opportunity life presents to you because when you are uncomfortable, you are growing. Yes, it is scary, but at the same time, so worth the risk! You will be stuck in the same place if you do not take opportunities as they come along, and timing will always be wrong, but who said life-changing things happen when we just sit back and relax? If you have a dream, make it your reality!

Pain is part of the growth process, and you should lean into it by dealing with your feelings to overcome them. Acknowledging the pain will help you grow and learn from that experience. Emotions do not control the outcome of your life because they come and go. Take the lessons learned through those experiences to help better equip you for what is to come.

Self-love does not just happen overnight! by being persistent, you will form a habit because that is the fundamental step into a peaceful and enjoyable life.

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